Maybe the materialist aspect is why Christmas often leaves me feeling empty and unfulfilled. It seems like there is a huge build up to the "big day," and then . . . bam! Where'd it go? I feel like there should be some great feeling of completion and satisfaction, yet the day after in reality is just like any other day, aside from feeling bloated and gassy from eating too much.
We have this huge build up to Christmas that starts right after Halloween (in Canada anyway), with decorations and flyers and the Wish Book all hitting us in the face . . . and it lingers like a . . ., well, a bad fart.
The material aspect of Christmas (and the increasing
secularization of Christmas) completely robs us of the true joy of what Christmas is: celebrating the joy of the Birth of Christ who ultimately gave His life to save ALL of us. The only true joy I seem to find at Christmas is in worship, or when I have the opportunity to attend a concert that celebrates Jesus (rather then Christmas fluff like some rouge santa running down Grandma).
So, my New Year's resolution for this year: to remember and hold the true Joy of Christmas through the whole year.